UF Law Student Handbook and Academic Policies » Levin College of Law (2024)

Table of Contents

  • Academic Calendar
  • Academic Programs
    • Juris Doctor Curriculum
      • Degree Requirements
      • Course Selection
      • Advanced Writing Requirement
      • Seminars
      • Advanced Courses
      • Externships
      • Skills Training
      • Clinical Education
      • Independent Study
      • Independent Research—Advanced Writing Requirement
      • Required Courses
      • Areas of Concentration
      • International Programs
      • Joint Degrees
    • Post-J.D. Degrees
      • LL.M. in U.S. Law
      • Graduate Tax Program: LL.M. in Taxation, LL.M. in International Taxation, and S.J.D. in Taxation
  • Academic Policies
    • Registration
    • Maximum and Minimum Loads
    • Credit Hour Policy
    • Attendance
    • Religious Holidays
    • Computer Requirement
    • Student Employment
    • Jury Duty in Trial Practice or Clinical Trials
    • ABA Length of Study Rule
    • Add/Drop Policies
    • Graduate Course Option
    • Transfer of Credit Policy
    • Refund of Fees
    • Grading and Examinations
    • Grade Distribution for Required Courses
    • Exams
    • Repeating Courses
    • Withdrawal and Readmission
    • Academic Progress Monitoring
    • Academic Exclusion
    • Petition for Exception to Policies
    • Services Who Require Accommodations
    • Confidentiality of Student Records
    • Class Ranking
    • Honors and Awards

Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar

Academic Programs


The University of Florida College of Law was founded in 1909 and named in honor of alumnus Fredric G. Levin in 1999. The college is accredited by the American Bar Association and is a member of the Association of American Law Schools. Its three-year Juris Doctor (J.D.) curriculum combines traditional and innovative teaching methods to develop analytical ability, practical knowledge, communication skills and understanding of the legal profession’s codes of ethics and professional responsibility. This includes traditional “case” and “Socratic” methods, as well as problems, simulations and role-playing. Courses designed to develop and refine students’ writing abilities are required each year. Seminars and advanced courses provide close interaction and individualized research. Clinical programs allow students to develop skills in the context of real cases and problems. The first-year curriculum consists of required courses and teaches students to read and analyze cases, research points of law efficiently and express those points clearly. Second- and third-year students choose from more than 100 elective courses and seminars.

Degree Requirements

Degree requirements as stated in the Guide to UF Law are in effect at the time of enrollment. Current degree requirements are as follows:

  • Completion with a passing grade of courses totaling at least 88 semester credit hours, of which at least 59 must have been completed through the College of Law. No more than four (4) of those credits can be earned through co-curricular activities. With permission of the Associate Dean for Students, upon good cause shown, up to 29 semester hours of credit earned at another ABA-accredited law school may be counted toward this requirement. (Note: grades in transferred courses will not be figured into the student’s GPA.)
  • Completion with a passing grade in legal research (law 5803), legal writing (law 5792) and either appellate advocacy (law 5793) (pre august 2020) or legal writing ii: persuasive writing (august 2020 and later).
  • Completion with a passing grade in introduction to lawyering (LAW 5755) and legal drafting (law 6955).
  • Completion with a passing grade in professional responsibility (LAW 6750).
  • Achievement of a cumulative 2.0 GPA in all graded work attempted.
  • Fulfillment of prescribed course requirements.
  • Satisfaction of the advanced writing requirement. These requirements must be fulfilled in no fewer than 24 months nor more than 84 months of matriculation as a law student.
  • Completion of 40 hours of law-related pro bono service.
  • 6 credits of Experiential Learning (from clinics, field placements, simulations and externships – each student earns 2 credits from Introduction to Lawyering and 2 credits from Legal Drafting)

Course Selection

The curriculum for beginning students is prescribed by the faculty, and must be completed prior to registration for elective courses. Students are required to take Legal Drafting and Professional Responsibility in their second year of study. Students may choose elective courses from any area, subject only to prerequisites. The Faculty recommends that students select a variety ofcoursesto ensure broad exposure to diverse legal fields. Course schedules and curriculum information are available on the Student Affairs website. TheCurriculum Roadmapscan help students with course planning.

Advanced Writing Requirement

All J.D. candidates must complete—under close faculty supervision—a major, written product that shows evidence of original scholarship based on individual research. Students often satisfy this requirement in a seminar course.

However, the requirement may also be met through the completion of an approved advanced course, an independent research-advanced writing requirement course, an approved master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation certified by a College of Law faculty member or a note for any of the J.D. student journals, whether or not selected for publication, that has been written under the supervision of a faculty member, who must provide individual assessment of each draft. If fulfilled in an advanced course, the required writing may take the form of one or a number of finished written products that together demonstrate these qualities. The general standard for fulfillment of the advanced writing requirement is one or more papers that are cumulatively at least 25 pages of double-spaced, 12-point text or the equivalent.


Seminars (LAW 6936) provide students the opportunity for study and research under close supervision of a faculty member. Enrollment is usually limited to 15. Generally, students produce a “senior paper” to satisfy the advanced writing requirement.

Advanced Courses

Advanced courses differ from the traditional seminar format in terms of subject area and/or course design and may be used to satisfy the advanced writing requirement.


Externships enable students to earn academic credit (maximum 6 credits) while gaining experience, enhancing their working knowledge of the law and developing professional contacts. Many placements are with local, state and federal government agencies, judges, legal services organizations and other public interest organizations, providing students with a valuable service to the community. Placements are also available in corporate and/or business settings, providing students valuable experiences in these areas of practice. In addition to hours spent in the workplace, externships require a mandatory orientation and regular supervision by a faculty member. Every externship is supervised by a law school faculty member as well as an attorney at the workplace.

Skills Training

Strong writing skills critical to the legal profession are refined through required courses in Legal Research, Legal Writing, Appellate Advocacy, and Legal Drafting in the first two years, in addition to the advanced writing requirement. Students gain practical experience through coursework — including advocacy and trial practice instruction — as well as externships and other opportunities.

Clinical Education

UF Law’s clinical programs give students real-world experience in working with and advocating for actual clients. Learn more about requirements and our clinical offerings: https://www.law.ufl.edu/areas-of-study/experiential-learning/clinics.

Independent Study

Independent Study courses enables students to work directly with, and under the mentorship of, faculty members in their area of expertise, making it easier for students to pursue their interests outside of standard course offerings. Students must be in good academic standing, have completed their third term, obtained consent of a faculty sponsor, and agreed on the number of credits to be attempted via Independent Study.

To earn credit, students complete—under faculty supervision—an independent research project that includes per-credit reading and writing components at least commensurate with those of a law school seminar. (Note: IS courses do not fulfill the advanced writing requirement.) IS courses are graded pass/fail (S/U), and students may take up to two credits in any one term. Credits for the Independent Study Course and the Independent Research — Advanced Writing course together may not exceed four (4) credits toward graduation, and it may not exceed two (2) credits in one term.

Independent Research—Advanced Writing Requirement

The Independent Research — Advanced Writing Requirement (IR) course allows students to satisfy the advanced writing requirement by designing and completing an independent research project under the supervision of a full-time faculty member. The supervising faculty member must certify that the final written product satisfies the advanced writing requirement. The course is graded pass/fail and may be taken for one or two credits in a given term. A student who elects to take this course for two credits must produce twice as much written product as a student seeking only one credit. Credits for this course and the independent study course together may not exceed four (4) credits toward graduation.

Required Courses

First-year students are required to take the following courses, which are assigned to them each semester by the Registrar’s Office:

First-Year Required Courses

  • 5301 CIVIL PROCEDURE (4 CR.)
  • 5000 CONTRACTS (4 CR.)
  • 5100 CRIMINAL LAW (3 CR.)
  • 5803 LEGAL RESEARCH (1 CR.)
  • 5792 LEGAL WRITING (2 CR.)
  • 5400 PROPERTY (4 CR.)
  • 5700 TORTS (4 CR.)

Second-year students must complete the following courses at some point in the 2L year:

  • 6955 LEGAL DRAFTING (2 CR.)

UF Law offers certificates in Environmental, Land Use, & Real Estate Law and Intellectual Property, and areas of concentration in Trusts & Estates and Family Law. Visit https://www.law.ufl.edu/areas-of-study/concentration to learn more.

Students are also required to take 6 credits of experiential learning as designated in the course schedule.

Areas of Concentration

Specialization is common in today’s complex legal environment, and graduates with a demonstrated interest and knowledge in targeted practice areas are in high demand. UF Law students can enhance their expertise by focusing their course selection in one of several areas in which the faculty is particularly strong. These include concentrations in Environmental and Land Use Law, Estates and Trusts Practice, Family Law, Intellectual Property, International and Comparative Law, and Criminal Justice. Students are also encouraged to seek summer employment or volunteer work in line with their career goals.

Students must meet all requirements for graduation in addition to specific requirements of the concentration area. Courses completed by students subsequently admitted into programs will be credited toward satisfaction of program requirements. Students wishing to pursue a concentration area are encouraged to apply to a program as early as possible in their law school career. Applications are available by contacting the director of each program.

International Programs

Exchange Programs

The Levin College of Law has an ABA-approved exchange with Leiden University, The Netherlands.

This program enables UF students to study law abroad and enrich the college’s academic atmosphere by bringing international students to campus. Prerequisites include completion of the first year of law school and academic good standing. Fluency in the language of instruction may be required for some programs.

Independent Foreign Programs

For students wishing to study in locations that have not yet established formal study abroad programs, the Office of Student Affairs assists in setting up individual semester-long programs under relevant ABA guidelines.

Combination Degrees

UF Law students can pursue many advanced degrees in fields outside the law school and complete a J.D. and an additional graduate degree in less time than one would spend acquiring both degrees separately.

To qualify for a combination degree program, a student must apply for admission to both the law school and to the desired degree program.

For a listing, visit https://www.law.ufl.edu/academics/degree-programs/joint-degree-programs.

For students interested in other fields, combination degree programs can be easily established in nearly every discipline across campus.

Since program deadlines vary, contact the UF Law Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and the appropriate graduate school program coordinator as soon as possible. Details and contact information are available in the Office of Student Affairs.


LL.M. in U.S. Law

TheLL.M. (Master of Laws) in U.S. Law Program is designed almost exclusively for persons having completed degrees in law at universities and law schools outside the United States who wish to enhance their understanding of the legal system of the United States of America and the English common law from which it evolved. The program also admits J.D. graduates of ABA-accredited law schools in the U.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico who wish to study law in an English-dominant environment.

The one-year, 26-credit program builds on UF’s strong U.S. law curriculum, including trade, international business transactions and contracts, on a private law track, and criminal law, civil and criminal procedure, human rights and constitutional and judicial reform, on a public law track. The program allows a course of study tailored to each student with individualized counseling by the program director and other faculty and staff. Students must initially enroll in and complete the summer Introduction to the Legal System of the United States courses starting in mid-July and in the required two credits of this continuing course during the fall and spring semesters. The remaining 20 credits are then chosen from the J.D. and tax curriculum, with the director’s approval.

Graduate Tax Program: LL.M. in Taxation, LL.M. in International Taxation, and S.J.D. in Taxation

Graduate Tax is one of UF Law’s premier programs. It is widely recognized by tax scholars and practitioners nationwide as among the best and has consistently been ranked as having one of the top tax teaching faculties in the world.

TheLL.M. in Taxationhas been offered for more than 40 years, and approximately 4,000 students have earned their LL.M. in Taxation from UF. To meet increasing demand for international expertise, the tax program began offering an LL.M in International Taxation in 2005. The program also offers a Doctor of Juridical Science in Taxation Program (S.J.D.) — the first in the country. It is a limited-enrollment program for students interested in careers in tax teaching or scholarship.

UF’s renowned graduate tax faculty are authors of some of the most widely used textbooks and treatises, and lecture at numerous conferences and institutes in the United States and abroad. They have been leaders in professional organizations and consultants for the Internal Revenue Service and other major public and private entities.

Graduate tax students come from law schools and states throughout the nation and from many foreign countries. They have outstanding academic credentials and, in many cases, significant professional experience. UF tax alumni are known for their quality in law firms, government agencies, international accounting firms, corporations and often as tax professors at other law schools.

The program also publishes the Florida Tax Review, a faculty edited journal that has become one of the country’s leading tax reviews. Its publication is aided by extensive tax library holdings in the Richard B. Stephens Tax Research Center.

Academic Policies


Students register for classes through the University of Florida’s automated One.UF system during dates listed in the academic calendar. A $100-$200 late fee is assessed for registration and/or payment after the specified period.

The Office of Student Affairs registers 1L students for their classes. Beginning in the third semester, students take responsibility for their own course registration. Students must confirm courses prior to the end of the drop/add period.

Students who have below a 3.0 GPA must have educational plan approved by an advisor.

Maximum and Minimum Loads

Students must be enrolled for at least twelve (12) and no more than sixteen (16) credit hours. However, with approval from the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs for good cause shown, students may drop to ten (10) hours (without losing full-time status) or less, or register for no more than seventeen (17) credits.

Consistent with accreditation standards, a petition for a reduced load cannot be granted for the purpose of enabling a student to hold part-time employment. In addition, a student must be enrolled in at least six hours to be eligible for student tickets to university athletic events:

Credit Hour Policy

In compliance with ABA Standard 310, for each credit hour earned, a student must receive 15 hours of classroom or direct faculty instruction and complete at least 30 hours of out-of-class work per semester. Thus, for a typical three credit course, a student will spend 45 hours per semester in the classroom (including time spent taking the exam) and a minimum of 90 hours on out-of-class work to obtain credit.

This policy applies to students obtaining credit for non-classroom experiences such as clinics, field placements, externships and co-curricular activities.


ABA standards require regular and punctual class attendance. Attendance is an essential function of legal education and a primary obligation of each student, whose right to continued enrollment in a course and take the exam for credit is conditioned upon a record of attendance satisfactory to the course instructor. UF Law policy permits dismissal of students whose lack of attendance causes their course load to drop below the minimum requirement of 12 credits per semester. Petitions for readmission under an exception to the minimum course-load rule will be granted only for good cause shown.

Absence Due to Illness

A student who is absent from class or misses any required class-related activity because of illness should contact their instructor, if feasible, as early as possible prior to the missed class or activity. Students shall be permitted a reasonable amount of time to make up the material or activities covered during an excused absence. Students should contact their college by the deadline to drop a course for medical reasons. Students can petition the Dean of Students Office to drop a course for medical reasons. The university’s policy regarding medical excuse from classes is maintained by the Student Health Care Center.

Religious Holidays

UF Law respects students’ observance of major religious holidays. If an instructor has an attendance policy limiting the number of absences, reasonable alternative means shall be established by the instructor to satisfy the attendance policy and accommodate religious obligations.

Computer Requirement

UF policy requires all new students to have access to, and on-going use of, a computer. Click here for the computer policy and hardware/software recommendations.

Student Employment

As a full-time law school, UF Law adheres to American Bar Association policy requiring students to devote substantially all of their working hours to the study of law. Academic schedules and minimum load requirements are designed to reflect this policy. It is highly recommended that first year law students refrain from employment. It is also recommended that no student be employed more than 20 hours per week under any circ*mstances.

Students should be mindful that there are limits to the work they legally can perform without violating The Florida Bar rules prohibiting the unlicensed practice of law. Law students and law graduates yet to be sworn in to the Bar may not practice law. For information, contact the Bar’s Unlicensed Practice of Law Division at (850)561-5840.

Jury Duty in Trial Practice or Clinical Trials

Students have a duty to appear when notified of selection for service as jurors in trial practice or clinic trials. Periodic notices of selection are posted on official Student Affairs bulletin boards. Unexcused failure to serve will result in loss of registration priority for all courses upon which enrollment limitations are placed, including seminars and clinical programs. To regain registration priority, students must perform jury service as arranged through the Trial Practice or Clinic Office.

ABA Length of Study Rule

ABA Standard 304(c) requires that the course of study for the J.D. degree be completed no sooner than 24 months and no later than 84 months after the student has commenced law study.

Add/Drop Policies

Other than first-year required courses, which students are not allowed to drop under normal circ*mstances, students may drop up to two courses during their academic career after the drop/add period ends. Approval to drop a course in excess of the two permitted by this policy must be obtained from the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs.

Students become liable for course fees the last day of drop/add. Failure to attend a class does not constitute a drop. To drop a class after the drop/add period, students may petition Student Affairs. If granted, a “W” will appear on the student’s transcript. Fees will be refunded only by university petition in exceptional circ*mstances.

Students also may petition to add a class after the drop/add period. Students not registered for courses more than one day before the start of a term are assessed a late fee of up to $200 by University Financial Affairs. Students must be properly registered to receive course credit.

For an exception to this policy, the burden is upon the student to demonstrate that a serious problem has arisen beyond the student’s control. Approval to drop a course beyond the two permitted will not be granted if the reason given is the student: a) is registered for too many hours; b) wishes to drop the course simply to avoid a low grade; or C) has determined the course is no longer needed to graduate. This is not an exhaustive list, and UF Law reserves the right to deny a request for an exception to the policy.

Graduate Course Option

With advance approval, students may enroll in a maximum of six credits in the UF Graduate School and/or in foreign language courses offered at the University of Florida (whether at the graduate level or not), for credit toward law school graduation. The grade is not computed in students’ grade point averages (GPA), but a “B” or higher must be earned to receive credit. Independent study and directed research courses outside of the law school are not allowed. No foreign language course may be approved for students who are proficient in the language.

No graduate level distance education/online courses will be approved if it is determined the student will not have ample interaction with the instructor or other students. This includes any distance education/online law courses that students may be completing at the law school in the same term. Additionally, students may receive no more than 15 credit hours toward the J.D. degree for distance education/online courses completed at the law school and the graduate school. Students on academic probation and transient/transfer students who receive more than 23 credit hours for work at another law school are not eligible for this option. Joint-degree students are not eligible for this option. Students may take courses specified in the graduate course option only if the student, through exercise of due diligence, cannot take a course containing substantially the same subject matter at the Levin College of Law. Contact the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs for information and approval.

Transfer of Credit Policy

Transfer of credits will be permitted based on the following criteria:

A student may request to transfer up to 29 hours of classes taken at another ABA accredited institution. Credits will be accepted toward J.D. degrees at the Levin College of Law, provided these rules are followed:

  • Prior written permission is obtained.
  • The same course is not taken while enrolled at the Levin College of Law.
  • The student earns a grade of at least 2.0, “C” or its equivalent or higher in an elective course. The grades will appear as “S” grades on the official transcript and will not be calculated in the grade point average.

A UF Law faculty member certifies the final paper as meeting the writing requirement for the advanced writing requirement.

Refund of Fees

Tuition and registration fees will be refunded upon:

  • approved withdrawal from the university before the end of drop/add with written documentation from the student;
  • credit hours dropped during the drop/add period;
  • courses canceled by the University;
  • involuntary call to active military duty;
  • death of the student or member of the immediate family (parent, spouse, child, sibling);
  • illness of the student of such severity or duration, as confirmed in writing by a physician, that completion of the semester is precluded; or,
  • other exceptional circ*mstances, upon approval of the university petition committee.

A refund of 25 percent of the total fees paid (less late fees) is available if notice of withdrawal of enrollment from the university with written documentation is received from the student and approved prior to the end of the fourth week of classes for full semesters or a proportionately shorter period of time for the shorter terms. Refunds must be requested at University Financial Services. Proper documentation must be presented when a refund is requested. A waiting period may be required. Refunds will be applied against any university debts. The university reserves the right to set minimum amounts for which refunds will be produced for overpayments on student accounts.

Tuition refunds due to cancellation, withdrawal or termination of attendance for students receiving financial aid will first be refunded to the appropriate financial aid programs. If the student is a recipient of federal financial aid, federal rules require that any unearned portion of the federal aid must be returned to the U.S. Department of Education. The amount the student has earned is based on the number of days the student attended classes as compared to the number of days in the entire term (first day of classes to end of finals week). Any remaining refund then will be returned according to university policy.

Grading and Examinations

In general, faculty policy specifies that the mean grade for all seminars and course sections in which more than 15 students are enrolled must fall between 3.25 and 3.35 (inclusive). If the mean GPA for students enrolled in the course section (determined as of the beginning of the semester) is above 3.3, the lower end of the range is 3.25 and the upper end of the range may be .05 higher than the mean GPA of the students enrolled in the course. If the mean GPA for students enrolled in the course section (determined at the beginning of the semester) is below 3.3, the lower end of the range is .05 lower than the mean GPA of the students enrolled in the course and the upper end of the range shall be 3.35. The mean grade for a course section is required to fall within the specified range. If 15 or fewer students are enrolled in a seminar or course section, there is no minimum GPA but the mean grade for a course section may not be higher than 3.67. The higher mean grade for courses in which there are 15 or fewer students is recommended rather than mandatory, but in no event may the mean grade exceed 3.67, except as follows: If the mean GPA for students enrolled in the course section (determined as of the beginning of the semester) is above 3.65, the mean grade for the course section may exceed 3.67, but may not exceed the mean GPA of the students enrolled in the course section plus .05.

Grades are recorded permanently by the Office of the University Registrar. The GPA is determined by computing the ratio of grade points to semester hours of work attempted in courses in which letter grades are assigned. Students receive grades according to the following scale:



The minimum grade for passing a course in the Juris Doctor program is a “D-” or “S.” Grades of “S” (satisfactory) and “U” (unsatisfactory) are given in a few courses, and are not computed in the GPA. A grade of “S” is equal to a “C” or better. “I*” (Incomplete) or “N*” grades recorded on the student record indicate the nonpunitive initial term receipt of an “I” or “N.” A grade of “I*” or “N*” is not considered a failing grade for the term in which it is received, and it is not computed in the grade point average. However, if the “I*” or “N*” has not been changed by the end of the next term for which the student is enrolled, it will change to “I” or “NG” and be counted as a failing grade and used in computation of the grade point average. “I*” and “N*” grades are not assigned to graduating students; they receive grades of “I” or “NG.”

An incomplete grade may be assigned at the discretion of the instructor as an interim grade for a course in which the student has completed a major portion of the course with a passing grade, been unable to complete course requirements prior to the end of the term because of extenuating circ*mstances, and obtained agreement from the instructor and arranged for resolution of the incomplete grade. Instructors are not required to assign incomplete grades. The grade of “W” (Withdrawn) may appear when a student drops a course during the semester or is permitted to withdraw without penalty.

Grade Distribution for Required Courses

Except as otherwise provided, the distribution of the final grades awarded in all required courses in which more than 15 students are enrolled and in which letter grades are awarded must fall within the following percentages:

B- and below5 to 20%


Exams generally are given at the end of the semester during the exam period. Re-examinations are not allowed. Grades are posted onONE.UF. Student Affairs oversees the exam administration process. Approximately one week before the end of classes each term, students must go online to ONE.UF through the law school’s website to obtain a confidential exam ID number for use on final exams. Students will be issued a new exam number each semester.

Faculty initially evaluate exams without knowing the identity of the test-taker. Later, they may match exam numbers with student names and adjust final grades to reflect class participation and other relevant factors. Students have an opportunity to review, within a reasonable time, written work upon which a grade is based. Approximately two weeks after the beginning of each term, students may request in writing from Student Affairs their final exam grades for the previous term to determine whether adjustments were made in assigning final course grades.

There are four acceptable reasons for which students may request delaying their exams. Please read the descriptions below. Also note that students are not permitted to take exams before the scheduled exam time.

Multiple Examinations

A student may reschedule an examination if a student has in class examinations that meet the following criteria:

  • 2 exams beginning less than 20 hours apart. Note: examinations that begin more than 20 hours apart (for example, an 8:30 a.m. exam on one day an 8:30 a.m. exam on the following calendar day), do not constitute a conflict under this rule
  • 3 exams within 3 consecutive days
  • 4 exams which must be completed within 5 days

Please note that application of this policy to take home exams will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Students are responsible for submitting the request(s) for an exam delay. All requests to reschedule an exam due to a conflict must be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs, and delayed examinations should be rescheduled to be taken as soon as reasonably possible.

Students with Disabilities Accommodations

Reasonable exam accommodations are available to students with permanent and temporary disabilities. To receive accommodations, students should contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) (a function of the Dean of Students Office and the Division of Student Affairs). The DRC is located in 0020 Reid Hall. Students may reach the DRC at 392-8565 oraccessuf@dso.ufl.edu.

Foreign Language Accommodations

The Levin College of Law is committed to access and legal education for qualified, international students whose first language is not English. Students who have been educated abroad and who have received their undergraduate degree or equivalent from an institution in which English was not the official language, are eligible for a language accommodation. Students who meet this criteria may submit a language accommodation request to the Assistant Dean for Students, who upon confirmation that the student meets the criteria, will grant a language accommodation during the examination period.

Emergency Delay (Accidental/Illness/Death)

In case of illness, contact the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. If permission is granted, a written statement from the treating physician stating the student was too ill to take the exam at the scheduled time must be presented before the exam may be taken late. For serious reasons other than illness, a student should contact the Office of Student Affairs in advance and speak with the Assistant Dean for Students. Only after the student is notified the request has been granted may the student miss a scheduled exam. Arrangements must be made with Student Affairs for taking the exam late. The Assistant Dean for Students shall specify the date and time when a student with an excused absence must sit for the examination.

Typing or Taking Exams by Computer

Rooms are provided to allow students to type final exams. Students may be allowed to use computers for a final examination provided that approved software has been installed on such computers which prevents access to any stored information in the computer or on the Internet other than that specifically allowed for that examination. Use of computers during a final examination is at the discretion of the instructor for that course. Faculty should consult with the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs to make sure there are appropriate testing areas to accommodate students using their computers.

Repeating Courses

Except as provided herein, a student who has passed a course cannot repeat it. A student who has failed a course may repeat it only in exceptional circ*mstances as permitted by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. This rule does not apply to students who do not receive a passing grade the first time they are enrolled in Civil Procedure (LAW5301), Constitutional Law (LAW5501), Contracts (LAW5000), Criminal Law (LAW5100), Property (LAW5400), Torts (LAW5700), Legal Research and Writing (LAW5792), Appellate Advocacy (LAW5793), Professional Responsibility (LAW6750), Legal Research (LAW5803) or Legal Drafting (LAW6955). If such students remain in good standing, they must retake such course(s) the next time they are offered. This rule also does not apply to any co-curricular, independent study, independent research or externship credits, which may be repeated until the credit limit is reached in such courses.

Withdrawal and Readmission

A student who has been evaluated on at least one full semester of work may withdraw or depart, retaining the right to re-enter within up to five years of the ending date of the last term in which the student earned credit, provided the degree may be completed within 84 months of initial matriculation. Students wishing to re-enter must obtain a re-application form from the Office of the University Registrar (222 Criser Hall). After five years, unless the Dean grants an exception for special circ*mstances, a student who desires to return and is otherwise entitled to continue must apply for admission as a beginning student or with advanced standing, as appropriate.

A student who registers as a beginning student but withdraws prior to completion of a full semester’s work must submit a new application for admission and compete for a seat in a subsequent class. A student who withdraws from the college during two successive terms in which the student has begun attendance shall be precluded from further enrollment unless, for good cause shown, the Dean approves.

Academic Progress Monitoring

A student whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 after any semester before a student’s final semester will enter Academic Progress Monitoring, a program intended to provide counseling and support to assist academic success and focus the student’s study on bar passage. The Dean or his or her designee may require a student in Academic Success Monitoring to (1) retake any required course in which a student earned a C+ or below; (2) take one or more bar-related doctrinal course(s), (3) take one or more bar preparation course(s), (4) take a writing workshop or other related academic success- oriented coursework, and/or (5) require a student to participate in diagnostic programs or other non-credit academic success workshops or programs. Additionally, the Dean or designee may restrict the number of pass/fail credit hours a student in Academic Progress Monitoring may take or the number of credit hours a student may earn outside of the College. Academic Progress Monitoring ends when an eligible student’s cumulative GPA meets or exceeds 3.1. This policy takes effect once grades are released at the end of the Spring 2024 semester.

Academic Exclusion

A student who fails to maintain a cumulative average of 2.6 after the completion of at least two semesters, regardless of hours registered or earned, shall be ineligible to continue as a student in the College of Law. Students who are academically excluded may petition the Dean or his or her designee for readmission by the date designated by the administration. The Dean or designee will not entertain petitions from students who have received a grade of “D,” “E,” or “I” in more than one course in the term prior to exclusion. The Dean or designee may impose any appropriate terms or conditions on a student’s continued enrollment, should the Dean or designee elect to cancel a student’s exclusion. Within fourteen (14) days of the Dean’s or designee’s written decision, a student may appeal the Dean’s or designee’s decision to the Academic Standards Committee, and that Committee’s decision is final and may incorporate additional terms and conditions where appropriate. This policy is effective for students enrolling on or after August 2024. Students who enrolled earlier are subject to the Academic Probation and Exclusion policy in effect at the time of their enrollment.

Petition for Exception to Policies

Reasonable requests for exceptions to academic policies that are consistent with the College of Law’s goals and obligations will be granted upon a showing of good cause. Students must submit a Student Petition Form to the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. The student is urged to discuss the particulars of the situation with the Assistant Dean, who will render a decision. Appeals must be filed with the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and ultimately with the Academic Standards Committee within five class days of the decision. The decision of the Academic Standards Committee may be reviewed by the full faculty at the request of a committee member. Faculty action represents final disposition of the matter.

Services Who Require Accommodations

Students seeking ADA accommodations must first register with the main campus assistant dean for student disability services at the Disability Resource Center, 0001 Building 0020 (Reid Hall), 392-8565, or through the Florida Relay Service (1-800-955-8771 [TDD]). Once approved, accommodations are implemented by the Levin College of Law Office of Student Affairs to ensure the academic program’s integrity. Following that review, where appropriate, the recommended accommodations are implemented. Students seeking accommodations are encouraged to contact the Office of Student Affairs in advance of matriculation to ensure optimum transition to the College of Law.

Confidentiality of Student Records

The University of Florida assures the confidentiality of student educational records in accordance with State University System rules, state statutes and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, known as the Buckley Amendment. Information that may be released to the public on any student includes: name, classification, local address, home address, home telephone number, electronic (email) address, dates of attendance at the University of Florida, major, degree(s) earned, nature and place of employment at the university, awards received, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and weight and height of members of athletic teams. Confidential information, including academic records, may be released to the student upon photo ID verification and/or receipt of a signed release authorizing the type of record to be released and to whom and by what method.

Class Ranking

Two official class rankings are available during a student’s law school tenure, after completion of the first year and upon graduation. The end-of-first-year ranking is calculated based on cumulative grade point average compared with other students of the same matriculation date. Graduation ranking is calculated based on cumulative grade point average compared with other graduates of the same date.

Unofficial rankings are also available after each fall and spring term and are approximate based on cumulative grade point average compared with other students of similar credits completed. A student’s class rank shall be available upon request. Individual class rankings can be obtained from the Office of Student Affairs in person with a picture ID, by fax or email.

Honors and Awards


The Law School recognizes scholastic achievement by awarding the degree of Juris Doctor summa cum laude, magna cum laude, or cum laude based on the following:
1. Top 2% of each graduating class will be awarded the J.D. degree summa cum laude;
2. The next 8.5% of the class will be awarded the degree magna cum laude;
3. The next 37.5% of the class will be awarded the degree cum laude.

This policy is effective for students graduating on or after May 2025.

Order of the Coif

The Order of the Coif is awarded to the top 10 percent of all graduating students — combining the summer, fall, and spring graduating classes— within the academic year are chosen for the award, upon faculty approval. Notice is usually provided the Fall semester following the prior year’s graduations.

Dean’s List

To recognize excellent academic performance, students who achieve at least a 3.30 semester grade point average in the spring or fall semester will be named to the Dean’s List. Students must be enrolled in at least 12 semester credits of graded law courses to be eligible. Any course that is treated as an S/U course for purposes of computing grade point average do not count toward the credit requirement to be eligible for the Dean’s List.

Book Awards

Book Awards have been established by alumni, friends, and law firms to provide financial assistance to the law school and celebrate students for outstanding academic performance. Professors select a recipient for each class during the Fall and Spring terms and notify the Associate Dean for Student Affairs who records each name and class at www.CALI.org. Students are able to view past CALI (Book Award) recipients at www.cali.org and receive a printed certificate for each Book Award from the Office for Student Affairs. In addition to CALI certificates, students who receive Book Awards while enrolled are recognized prior to their graduation each Spring.

Note: Information in this publication is subject to modification by Levin College of Law faculty and University of Florida administration. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with any modifications posted in Student Affairs and the Administrative Bulletin Board.

UF Law Student Handbook and Academic Policies »  Levin College of Law (2024)


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