How to Locate a Check Routing Number: 8 Steps (with Pictures) (2024)

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1Finding the Routing Number on a Check

2Contacting Your Bank

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Co-authored byMichael R. Lewis

Last Updated: February 2, 2024

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When you're providing funds for an online transaction or filling out form for direct deposit, you'll often be asked for your bank's routing number. That's a nine-digit number provided by the American Banker's Association (ABA) that uniquely identifies the location of you bank account. Fortunately, it's easy to find.

Method 1

Method 1 of 2:

Finding the Routing Number on a Check

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  1. 1

    Look in the lower left hand corner of the check. That's where routing numbers are located.

  2. 2

    Look for an icon on the check. The icon is a character is from the BankerScriber MICR font.[1] It's unintelligible and is not part of the routing number.


  3. 3

    Identify the first nine numbers. All routing numbers are nine numbers. The first nine numbers in the lower, left-hand part of your check after the MICR character is your routing number.

    • Be sure to exclude any preceding MICR characters when determining your routing number.
    • Following your routing number, the next set of numbers, up until the next MICR character, is your account number.
    • The number following the MICR character at the end of the account number should match your check number.
  4. 4

    Confirm your routing number by using symbols. The MICR symbols designating your routing number looks like a vertical line on the left, with two squares, one on top of the other, on the right. The numbers between those characters is your routing number.

  5. 5

    Examine the first digit of your routing number. All routing numbers begin with the number 0, 1, 2 or 3.

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Method 2

Method 2 of 2:

Contacting Your Bank

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  1. 1

    Check online for your bank's routing number. Remember, the routing number isn't secure, so it's publicly available. You can often find it online.

    • Visit your bank's website and look for a link that will provide information about routing numbers. Often, banks have routing number information published online.
    • Google your bank's name plus the words "routing number." If you can't find it by looking directly at your bank's website, try Google. You might be surprised at how often you can find something with Google that you can't find easily at a company site.
  2. 2

    Call your bank and ask for the routing number. One of the most reliable ways to get an accurate routing number is to talk to someone who's actually experienced in providing that information.

  3. 3

    Visit your bank and ask a customer service representative for the routing number. If you'd like to work with someone locally, instead of at a call center, you should visit your bank and talk to someone who can provide you with your routing number.

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      • The symbols used to delineate your routing number and account number do not represent any specific numeral. When identifying your routing number, it is not necessary to note the presence of the symbol.


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      • If your bank routing number begins or ends with the number 0, be sure to include it when you supply your routing number.


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      • Don’t rely on a deposit slip to find your routing number. Depending on the bank, the numbers listed on a deposit slip may be different from the numbers listed on a check.


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      About This Article

      How to Locate a Check Routing Number: 8 Steps (with Pictures) (28)

      Co-authored by:

      Michael R. Lewis

      Business Advisor

      This article was co-authored by Michael R. Lewis. Michael R. Lewis is a retired corporate executive, entrepreneur, and investment advisor in Texas. He has over 40 years of experience in business and finance, including as a Vice President for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. He has a BBA in Industrial Management from the University of Texas at Austin. This article has been viewed 525,630 times.

      97 votes - 88%

      Co-authors: 22

      Updated: February 2, 2024


      Categories: Checks and Checkbooks

      Article SummaryX

      To locate a routing number on a check, look at the bottom, left hand corner of your check. The routing number will start with a 0, 1, 2 or 3. If you’re still unsure that you have the right numbers, Google your bank's name plus the words "routing number" or call your bank’s customer service. For more detailed descriptions of how to find the routing number and to know what those other numbers are on the bottom of your check, keep reading.

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      How to Locate a Check Routing Number: 8 Steps (with Pictures) (2024)


      How to locate routing number on a check? ›

      Your routing number is the first set of nine-digit bank numbers on a check located in the bottom left corner. Each bank has its own routing number so they can identify where the checking account was opened.

      What is the 8 digit routing number on a check? ›

      Bank routing numbers are generally nine digits, consisting of eight digits in two parts and a ninth check digit. The first four digits are the Federal Reserve District routing number identifier. The next four digits (five through eight) uniquely identify a bank or credit union.

      How do I find a bank's routing number by its name? ›

      If you wish to look up a bank by its routing number, you can search for it on the ABA's website. Additionally, you can also search for routing numbers through their website by inputting the bank's name and address. It's possible to receive checks without a bank name.

      Can you google a routing number? ›

      Often, banks have routing number information published online. Google your bank's name plus the words "routing number." If you can't find it by looking directly at your bank's website, try Google. You might be surprised at how often you can find something with Google that you can't find easily at a company site.

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      101089742 is a routing number used for PATHWARD, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION in SD. This routing number supports ACH transfers.

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      Navy Federal's Routing/ABA Number (256074974) Navy Federal's address: 820 Follin Lane SE, Vienna, VA 22180.

      How to find a wise routing number? ›

      You'll find your account and routing number at the bottom of any check in your checkbook. The first 9 digits are your routing number, and the rest is your account number. You can also find them if you log into your internet bank.

      What bank is routing number 031176110? ›

      031176110 CAPITAL ONE N.A. Routing Number

      031176110 is a routing number used for CAPITAL ONE N.A. in VA. This routing number supports ACH and Wire transfers.

      Can someone use my checking and routing number? ›

      If someone has access to both your bank account and routing number, they could make fraudulent ACH transfers and payments out of your account. In other words, you could wind up being scammed. That's why it's so important to understand this aspect of your personal finances and protect your money.

      What bank is routing number 124303201? ›

      124303201 is a routing number used for VARO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION in UT. This routing number supports ACH and Wire transfers.

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      Find your routing and account number by signing in to and choosing the last four digits of the account number that appears above your account information. You can then choose, 'See full account number' next to your account name and a box will open to display your bank account number and routing number.

      Are all check routing numbers 9 digits? ›

      Routing numbers are always 9 digits long. Account numbers may be up to 17 digits long. Some banks list the routing number first on the check, while other banks list the account number first, and still more list the routing number, check number, then account number.

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      028000121 is a routing number used for JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NA in FL.

      How many digits is a checking account number? ›

      Bank account numbers typically consist of eight to 12 digits, but some account numbers could even contain up to 17 digits.


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      Author: Allyn Kozey

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      Name: Allyn Kozey

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      Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.